So. this past week I’ve been working on a small survival game for mobile devices. A basic game about shooting lovely hearts at slimes, teddies in popcorn bags, teddies with rockets on their backs.. you know. I’m still coming up with ideas.
“Teddy Bag”

I had never planned on working on this for longer than a week, but I’d really like to polish it up and submit it to the tizen web app challenge. It just seems like such a great opportunity, I definitely don’t want to miss out on that.
Anyways, what “Heart Breaker” is, – it’s a survival game as the main character, you.. a heart, shoots smaller hearts at the onslaught of enemies trying to destroy you.
You can level up and increase your stats. I’ve also planned on having a ‘random’ shop NPC appear at times on the game field. He will give you an option to buy a skill, using your score as currency. I’ll even add random treasure chests, which will act as a slot machine and pump out prizes.
“Rocket Teddy”
“XP Test”