
October 22, 2013

While the deadline is creeping up on me, I did manage to get most of the boring stuff out of the way. This includes the generic game over screen and credits page. (See below)

Im Cute Dont Hurt Meh

And now I’m excited to move along to the fun part. It would be pretty boring if all you did was chuck hearts at things and level-up. I need something more, more spaz..  So any random, and absurd idea for enemies / power-up that pops up in my head.. I’ll definitely implement. I’ll keep this pretty brief, but will push out another update pretty soon featuring a kitty bomb and a creepy-looking old man. 

October 15, 2013

So. this past week I’ve been working on a small survival game for mobile devices. A basic game about shooting lovely hearts at slimes, teddies in popcorn bags, teddies with rockets on their backs.. you know. I’m still coming up with ideas.

“Teddy Bag”

Heart Breaker - TeddyBag

I had never planned on working on this for longer than a week, but I’d really like to polish it up and submit it to the tizen web app challenge. It just seems like such a great opportunity, I definitely don’t want to miss out on that.

Anyways, what “Heart Breaker” is, – it’s a survival game as the main character, you.. a heart, shoots smaller hearts at the onslaught of enemies trying to destroy you.

You can level up and increase your stats. I’ve also planned on having a ‘random’ shop NPC appear at times on the game field. He will give you an option to buy a skill, using your score as currency. I’ll even add random treasure chests, which will act as a slot machine and pump out prizes.

“Rocket Teddy”

Heart Breaker - Rocket Teddy

“XP Test”

Heart Breaker - XP Test